Several Locations to Serve You:
Port Credit, Kawartha Lakes, St. Catharines, Georgian Bay, Eastern Ontario, Downtown Toronto, Western Canada

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North South Yacht Sales is a Certified Professional Yacht Broker Endorsed Brokerage, a member of the International Yacht Brokers Association and Boating Ontario.

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North South Yachts Sales

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Operating under the North South Nautical Group banner, North South Yacht Sales specializes in the sale of pre-owned power and sailing yachts. With its head office in Port Credit Harbour Marina, North South Yacht Sales is one of the largest yacht brokerages in Ontario with several locations throughout the province. NSYS also has strategic alliances with brokerage firms in the United States and the Caribbean.

The North South Nautical Group marketing strategy is to emphasize that the company is a ‘Pre-Owned Yacht Specialist’. The goal is to become the preferred brokerage of choice for customers who are either looking to buy or sell previously owned yachts.

New boat dealers that also sell pre-owned inventory may tend to focus on selling new boats and trade-ins. Arguably, boats on consignment do not receive the same level of service. With NSNG, the entire focus is pre-owned —there is no potential conflict of interest.

Working closely with these esteemed organizations, and adapting the high level of standards and practices that these organizations demand enabled North South Nautical Group to become the first yacht brokerage in Canada to attain the recognition of CPYB Endorsed Brokerage.

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